cold raindrop
sitting on tip of the leaf
Hello Wanderer,
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[…] it feels good to see Wandering Mist grow slowly from a ‘wondering if I did it right’ test post to a full fledged art and design blog. There was never a specific aim or a set direction in […]
Dearest Angela~ It’s wonderful to see the final product! I know of the time, hard work, and dedication it took, but your wonderful idea has finally come to full fruition. Congratulations. Your love OF music and FOR children will enlighten a hundred generations!PS: “Hi” to Doug & Alex
Jag har också följt fallet så länge jag kan minnas. Sedan jag läste om det i papperstidningar och sedan hemsidan som nu blivit till blogg. Hoppas hoppas hoppas, seminariet mynnar ut i något konkret. Värsta mardrömmen säger vissa är att barnen dör/mördas, men jag skulle nog säga att det är om de försvinner och man får inget veta. Varken när/hur/var.
What the fucking fuck. That first link made me want to throw up. I doubt there’s a stauncher defender of religious rights on this blog than me, but bull fucking shit letting the state verify that you’re not abusing kids to death is a violation of your rights. Thank you for setting the tone for the week. Gonna be a punchy one.
horrible, doesnt follow the rules of a haiku
contemplating or meditating?