I am happy to share that my long simmering wish has finally come true. HealthOpine is another website of mine which focuses on the healthcare system of India. I had earlier written about my goals for this year, and HealthOpine was one of them. Please click on the logo link to reach the new website.
Having lived in hospitals and healthcare institutions since birth, it is but natural for me to consider them as a part of my life. I pursued healthcare profession by choice and it will always be a significant part of me.
For me, hospitals are powerful places. People are born there. People die there. People get better. People get worse. And so much more. There is no place on earth where you get to witness and understand the miracle of birth, the absoluteness of death, the purity of pain, the meaning of life, struggles, battles, hope, faith, love… And to be able to witness this, in all its purity… is a life transforming and humbling experience.
In the same breath, I would also say that hospitals are painful places and don’t conjure up good memories for most people. I have had my share too.
My love for hospitals and healthcare is deep rooted in my childhood, wherein I spent most of my growing years in hospitals, healthcare institutions, nursing colleges, hospital wards, etc., by virtue of my mother’s profession (a healthcare educationist) as well as my late uncle’s deteriorating health condition (which necessitated numerous hospital visits and stays). From a child’s innocent gaze to hardcore professional analysis, I have grown with this industry and witnesses it growth and development.
And I had always felt the need to document this. Write more on things that were so close to my heart. That I could express and that someone somewhere could read. As a student, I could never find quality information on Indian healthcare. There was plethora of info on healthcare in developed countries. I longed to read more about my country and understand where it stood.
HealthOpine is that place for me… where I can write and share my thoughts on our system of healthcare. But this is not my lone journey. This is a website for anyone who cares to express, strongly opinionate, or bring about a change somewhere.
I wish this launch happened few years back and that a lot could have been done by now. But like they say, that there is a time and place for everything. And that those things happen when you are really ready to take it to the next level. So, there is no better time than now.
Im happy to share the news of HealthOpine launch and will try to improve it over a period of time with quality content and independent views. As ever, I always look forward to your suggestions, ideas and criticism to help me take it to the next level. I also invite people from different walks of life to join this journey and to express what is needed and what is true.
Good luck to all!
Very happy for your dream come true….how are you…long time…
One single dream can mean a million rays of hopes for many- my blessings for you always and forever. The world is a blessed place to have people like yourself.
i probable it HealthOpine.com Launched – Website on Indian Healthcare Scenario now im your rss reader
Great to see a dream come true.. Best wishes and full steam ahead…