Here is a standard way of making a good soft banana cake. Below the recipie are the tips and tricks for a healthier cake.

Wholewheat Banana Cake - A quick and healthy fix for kids
You can either mash the bananas to pulp or cut them into small pieces – depends on how you like your bite to be 🙂
Wholewheat flour is a better alternative to refined flour. Good for growing children, especially those who are fussy about eating.
It is a good idea to reduce the sugar as much as possible for ripe bananas bring in the much needed sweetness.
Reduce the quantity of butter and oil. Though these are essential to ensure the texture and moistness, the cake is still tasty.
Try folding the two mixures in form of “8” figure to ensure that more air is trapped inside while mixing. This gives a wonderful texture to the cake, cooks well inside and helps in keeping it fluffy.