Few days back, a set of 5 blank canvas staring at me. Today, four of them got consumed within an hour of crazy haze. Dont know what took over me, it did not stop with one… completed 3 in a row. Still raring to go…

Earth, Fire & Fury, yet so peaceful – Knife Painting in Oil
was the most unexpected one. I had something in mind but what conjured up was far more seemingly beautiful to me. I love the way, something powerful takes you over and makes you do things you are never aware of.

Browns & Blues – Beautiful Hues – Palette Knife Strokes in Oil Media
Another surprise, after a surprise. The earthy greens, browns and ochre never fail me. I’m the most happiest with these colors and shades.

Symphony Earth – Knife Painting – Oil Media on Black Canvas
This is how one rainy afternoon was exhausted. Nothing compares to the exhilarating feeling of swishing the color laden knife over the canvas.
The feeling is indescribable… best left unsaid.