How would it be to wake up to the sound of chirping of birds early in the morning or a hot cup of tea in your cozy couch with the balmy morning sun shining through tender green leaves? Or how would it be to walk up to your balcony to pluck some fresh coriander for your garnishing your curry, or dig out some fresh carrots for your carrot cake? And all this even when you are living in an apartment?

Balcony Garden – Create your own little green refuge
As concrete jungles expand to keep pace with burgeoning human population, the city dweller is left with no option but to go vertical in this rat race for space and shelter. This simply means making a big compromise – having to come to terms with little or almost miniscule balcony spaces.
Modern living meets nature
For nature evangelists and plant lovers, who need the green lung space in their apartments, balcony gardens and green balcony landscapes are possibly the only refuge one can seek in today’s growing urban landscapes. Many people are opting to create semi outdoor living spaces in their balconies that translate into mini gardens.
Loner or an entertainer – your balcony can serve as a great space to unwind, relax or rejoice. Come sunshine, rain or chilly winds, there is no better place than this in your home, to put your feet up or let your hair down.
Balcony gardening is the easiest way to bring in nature into your living spaces, offering endless beautiful sights and delights. Every season brings with it a gush of color, with leaves and flowers. From the parched brown twigs of winter to the scorching colored flowers of summer – your balcony garden will never cease to amaze you. Gentle flowers, fresh herbs, oxygenated air, chirping birds and humming bees, cool breeze, sound of rustling leaves, fresh vegetables and sweet fruits are some of the delights of balcony gardening.
An art and a science too
Balcony gardening is not a one-time act of buying the best looking plants and arranging them at appropriate corners. You have to consider a host of challenging factors such as load bearing, water system, sunshine, city conditions, plants, neighbors and more. Balcony gardens are not created as a one-time or stand-alone activity as the goal is to help the garden thrive and flourish. It takes time, commitment and love to grow and nurture your balcony garden.
For the balcony gardener, here is some basic information on planning, designing, and growing your apartment balcony garden, and tips and tricks to making your balcony green, eco-friendly and inviting.

Cozy Sunlight Corner in the Balcony with Bamboo Screens
Designing your Garden Balcony
First, design your balcony garden on paper. The idea is to create a green space that is not jam-packed with plants. There has to be some space for the plants and you to breathe. It is the empty spaces in balcony that give you a visual relief, circulate air and ensure that sunlight reaches most of the leaves. Check your balcony’s status for the feasibility of creating your little garden. There are many structural and hardware related issues that you need to look into.
Structural and Hardware Aspect of Balcony Gardens
If you are planning for a full fledged balcony garden, take care of the structure of the balcony such as support, age of building, floor type, water proofing, etc. Also check for water seepage, leakage, water inlet-outlets, and many other factors. Ensure that the balcony is water proof, does not hurt your neighbors below and that the water outlet does not make a mess elsewhere.
Water proofing, watering system, fixed plant areas other than movable pots and planters, lighting, etc are some of the hardware elements of garden design. Once these are in place, rest is all about placing and moving your potted plants to best suit your space.
Selection of Plants for Balcony Gardens
Balconies are constrained gardens with limited soil and sunlight – thereby impacting the growth and growing pattern of most plants. Invest in plants and saplings that can thrive in your city conditions.
More often than not, people invest in seeds and seedlings from hilly climes to grow in the city conditions – which simply don’t grow. But at the same time you should keep experimenting, for nature is resilient and always springs surprises. So keep gardening while keeping the faith, for life somehow finds its way.
As you continue to experiment with your plants in the balcony, get yourself a good seasonal handbook for growing plants in local conditions. These will not only help you plan and plant according to seasons, but also give you ideas for a beautiful and bountiful balcony garden – all year long. Have some flowering plants in the balcony to attract birds and bees for cross pollination.
Remember that plants lend to the garden’s character and determine the look and feel of your balcony. Plants help you design this space with additional accents. Different plants such as climbers, creepers, bushes, etc., lend their charm and help you pick up cues on designing your balcony space.
Design Themes for Balcony Gardens
From the colored lanterns and iron accents of Morocco, to the clean cut designs of Zen simplicity, balcony gardens have come of age with designer themes and look.
The current rage amongst modern balcony gardens is to go Zen, Moroccan, Oriental, Balinese, Japanese, Indian, etc. Each of these themes has unique design elements, look and feel. Research, see and get inspiredd on creating your balcony space.
If nothing works, take a walk in your neighbourhood to pick up local accents such as wood, tree trunks, used tin cans or glass bottles, terracotta pots or designs, etc, to set up your own designer balcony where you design its look. There is no end to what you can do.
Outdoor Furniture and Design Accents for Balcony Gardens
Bamboo furniture, futons, wicker stools, swings, hammocks, wind chimes, accent pots and decorative items, are some of the standard embellishments.
You can add art prints, murals, terracotta tree art, wrought iron furniture or wall embellishments, mirrors, tree trunks, dried flower arrangements, bird baths and feeders, and more to make your balcony eclectic, exotic and interesting. Don’t hold back on creativity here… for you don’t have to worry about blending it with the house décor.
If you do not have much space in your balcony, you can take your garden vertical with custom made iron pot holders, shelves, of steppe slabs or tables.
Fairy Lights in Plants and Balcony Space
Twinkling fairy lights and tea light candles nestled among the green plants look magical at night. For a quiet evening, entertaining your guests, late evening tea, or even dinner, this soft magical ambient lighting is indeed a sight to behold.

Tea Lights and Fairy Lights – For a lovely evening in your balcony
Don’t miss out on this great design accent for soft lighting and fairytale look. LEDs are better than normal string lights which hurt the plants with heat. Ensure that the light bulbs do not touch the plant stems and leaves. Also do not use the lights for longer duration as it may hurt the plant.
Eat your Organic Garden Produce
Your balcony can also contribute to your kitchen by way of fresh vegetables and herbs, while the kitchen waste becomes your garden’s manure.
Apart from ornamental plants, make use of your balcony space to grow herbs, vegetables and fruits. There is no great pleasure than walking up to your balcony to pluck out the freshest of herbs and vegetables for your meal.

Fresh Home Grown Vegetables from Balcony Garden
Most common balcony produce includes herbs such as coriander, curry leaves, tulsi-basil, etc along with most of the green leafy vegetables. Vegetables include tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, beans, and a whole range of vegetables and fruits that do not need much deep soil.
Have some flowering plants to attract birds and bees for cross pollination as most of the vegetable plants do not have bright colored flowers.
Container Gardening for Balconies
Apart from growing vegetables interesting containers can add a great visual impact to your garden. Left over tins, bottles, cans, buckets, etc can be converted into good looking planters for balcony. Group different colored-shaped containers for interesting plant arrangement
Container gardening works best for most root vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, ginger, etc. Big planters, outdoor pots, and geometric planter are good for creating an interesting visual space as well as for letting the roots run deep. Even sacks and bags containing good soil can be used for growing potatoes.
Green Lung Space with Eco Friendly Balcony Gardening
The basic requirement for a balcony garden is to follow green principles to derive maximum joy and full foliage. Make you balcony garden in tune with the principles of earth.
There are many ways of going green for a green garden. Look around your landscape for accents. Don’t go too far to source your materials. Invest in solar powers lights. Use mud and terracotta pots instead of plastic ones. Use khus or bamboo curtains for coolness. Route or recycle your kitchen or bath water to your balcony garden. Kitchen waste such as peels, egg shells, etc makes excellent manure. Make design accents with waste or un-used articles.
Balcony Gardening with Children
Balcony gardening are perhaps the only way we can sensitize our children to plants while we live in these sprawling cities. By getting them involved in watering, tending, caring and enjoying the time spent among plants, you can initiate your children into caring for them. This is the least we can do, on a daily basis.
The Soul of your Balcony Garden
Gardening is a give and take relationship. Have a balcony garden only if you love plants. There is no point in creating the most gorgeous garden but not being able to sustain or nourish it. Do not have it to make a style or lifestyle statement.
Read about your plants but try to feel them more. Plants are living beings. They sense and feel too. A lot has been written and researched on the secret lives of plants. And to live amongst these green living beings is a blessing in itself. Apart from providing food and sustenance, there are many sacred reasons for plants to exist. From plant auras, plant energy vortexes, communication between plants, plant souls, and more, there are many unknown facets of plants that will unfold with time. Scientifically, it has been proved that plants act and react. It is a matter of time that this will become a norm.
Plants know when they feel love. They respond to your voice and your state of mind. Over a period of time you will find yourself forming a bond with your garden where plants and you will communicate in ways unknown.
Plants flourish when you deeply care. Your words, acts of love, your thoughts towards plants, and your deep feelings go a long way in making your plants feel and stay healthy.
Plants germinate, grow, flower, fruit, and die… only to rise once again. And to witness this cycle of life, in front of your eyes, keeps us reminded and grounded of the simple things in life… that give simple lessons…for us to live simply.
Go; enjoy your little garden… wherever it is.
Written above are my thoughts on balcony gardens. Having lived in an independent house as well as an apartment, I could create and enjoy some beautiful green spaces that not only served as a semi outdoor garden but also are a great dining, working, entertaining and meditating spaces.
Some of my balcony garden photos and tips have been used by The Hindu for an article on Balcony Gardening. This in turn prompted me to write more on the subject… as balcony gardening is a continuous journey. I hope to write to more as well as keep myself inspiredd for more.
For anyone who needs specific information on what to grow where, and things that you can possibly do with your balcony such as plans, design ideas, discussion, etc, please get in touch.
Thanks for sharing great balcony gardening design ideas with us… to read your lovely tips…
it’s really a helpful blog.
Cozy Sunlight Corner in the Balcony with Bamboo Screens?
how much do they cost?
I’ve a balcony of 12 by 4 feet
makes for an interesting and inspiring read…!
Beautiful Garden designs. I came across your site while searching for balcony garden design.
I wish it were easier to find a place with a balcony around here! Or at least a balcony that isn’t insanely tiny.
JJ: Dont be so disheartened. Its indeed we now live in a” living-in-matchbox” kind of apartments era… but I guess you could explore alternatives such as:
1) Window Box Planters and plants
2) Indoor Plants for your apartment so that you can still have your dose of green.
3) Vertical Gardens with recycled containers
4) Metal grill work/ hangers/ etc outside your balcony railing to place light weight pots and flowering plants.
Let me know what you want to do… will send in my ideas for you.
Good luck.
It’s really a great and helpful piece of info. I am satisfied that you shared this useful information with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.
Though late let me tell you, I am your fan.
Ramanath: It was so good to see you around here. Better late than never. Im glad you liked the article. There is a lot to learn from you – the ways to keeping green, forever green. Thanks for wandering by.
very informative thnks..
Good points in your article. It is true that having plants can strain your existing resources… I experience that most of the time. Not to mention the time that goes in keeping it that way. But, if water conservation tips-tricks, kitchen manure compost, etc, become a part of your life-lifestyle, then it is not so difficult.
The plants outside my home seem to keep my home (atleast the entrance hall) cool and I hardly use the fan. Also, just keeping the window open brings in fresh air that feels good. If you surround your house with plants, irrespective of what they are, it definitly has an impact on the house. My mother had planted many crazy plants around the house long long ago even when we did not have much ground for growth… but they grew big and tall anyway… and our house (in most seasons) remains cool.
Life does find a way!
You have some really old plants. Nice.
I dont think having plants in the garden alone contributes to the cause of going green. Actually it can back fire. Some thoughts on that here. Would like to hear your opinions
Hi Ishrath,
Thanks for visiting. Your balcony has really been “designed”. I am more experimental and like to understand how different plants grow. My garden is ever changing with movements almost every week and new plants added frequently. Glad to have been partnered with you on the article. You are from Chennai?
Natti: That balcony took a lot of changes over a period of time and it will continue to do so. Some of the plants are more than a decade old and thankfully still surviving. I keep adding – removing – potting – repotting depending upon the season. Climate is also getting erratic and added to that is the non-stop constrtuction that goes all around… that it is really tough to keep the plants healthy and happy. But will keep trying. It is good to have people like you in cities who do their bit for keeping the green cover.
Hmmmm….. missing my favorite spot 🙂
I like it – Balcony Gardening – purport and create your little fresh refuge with plants, accessories, ideas, tones and added now im your rss reader
Love it! Will re-post on my wall!
Loving all you do always!
Those balconies are very nice! it is completely inviting to spend some time in there. Thank you for the advices
Fer: You are most welcome to spend time here….Thank you for wandering by.
Iniyaal: You can do much better than this balcony. I hope that you build your lovely home soon… and adorn it with your creativity and love! Good luck.
Hi Ishrath, I read the article in Hindu’s Property Plus. Thanks for all the lovely tips. And yeah, the balcony in the first photo was featured in property plus. It is sooo good looking and inspiring.
I was planning to write to you after reading your name in the article. But I had to take a hiatus away from work and missed out on it. The day I get to have my own house with a little family, it is your lovely balcony that I will dream of having in my house 🙂