Birds have borne the worst brunt of our times. From lack of green cover, decrease in food availability, climatic changes, to cell phone tower radiations, it is no surprise that they are disappearing at an alarming rate, in large numbers and in variety of species. We have now reached a stage where we scream in delight if we spot the little sparrow outside the city limits.
Birds are indicators of the environment.
If they are in trouble,
we know we’ll soon be in trouble.
Roger Tory Peterson

Make your own rustic bird feeder – Click on the image for the tutorial
I live in soon-to-be-extinct-place where there are few birds left. Apart from crows and eagles, I get to see sparrows, humming birds, sun birds, cuckoo, and many that I don’t identify. Mornings bring in the ubiquitous chirps and flutter, thanks to few green trees and shrubs around.
And here is my attempt to make a simple bird feeder that is easy to fill, clean and offers a great view of the lovely little creatures.