Requiem for a Dream – Ishrath Humairah – Oil on Canvas – 36 x 36 inch – 2021
In search of a shade
that felt like red.
A shade to match the feeling
of what was felt.
I dreamt of the reds that I tried to blend and recreate only to abandon later… in hope that true colors would always reveal themselves in the end. In my attempt to recreate this remembrance, I work through the cycles of colour, death and rebirth – already felt and seen. Taking the oils to their destination, letting them create themselves, revealing their shades and sheen… while uncovering deep truths from within. In this Requiem for a Dream.
While there are mysteries, movies, series and musical compositions with this name… It is believed that Mozart composed Requiem when his health was deteriorating and knew he was going to die. That a stranger requested a Requiem without revealing the identity of his patron. Mozart died before he could finish this piece which was completed by a mysterious stranger. and that it took a long time for the truth to come out that many people had their hand in completing this masterpiece. Leading to the final word by Beethoven who said – ‘If Mozart did not write the music, then the man who wrote it was a Mozart.’
Requiem for a Dream
Oil on Canvas
36 x 36 inch
(C) Ishrath Humairah.
NFT Update: This painting has been minted as a non-fungible token, my Genesis Drop on OpenSea. Please see the details here
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