As I sit today with a hot cup of tea in my hand… amidst the splendor of plants and morning sunshine… I just can’t help but remark at the remarkable year that went by, wherein everyday and every morning was as beautiful as this. I do not know the day of the week … but know for sure that an eventful, fantastic and heartwarming year has almost come to an end. We are just a few hours away from ushering in the New Year.

Early morning sun, empty cup of tea, and warm memories of a year well-lived
2010 has been a bit of a path breaker for most people I know, who have made it special and memorable in their own ways. The heart-element ruled this year and made them all, including me, indulge in life. This indeed was the year of following your heart. I believe that from now on, it is only going to get better. For everyone.
For me, this has been ‘the year of many firsts’. To be able to follow the tiny voice of your heart, to take a few scary leaps of faith, and to do the things that were always within, there has been a complete turnaround in my life, learning, and within. From quitting my well cushioned job midst recession, painting like a lunatic, to treading into many unknown territories (only to find things so beautiful, simple and endearing), this year has been remarkably fulfilling in ways more than one. I have never been so much at peace – ever.
After years of exposure to media, money, meetings, and the drama that comes with it, it is true that we carry a lot of trash in our heads – on priority. It is unimaginable how simple life can be without the trappings of life… as simple as fasting, only to realise that our body actually does so much better with less. So does our existence.
As the year went by, beautifully strange people have come into my life, at the oddest of dates and times, to give me messages that were needed the most (then) to keep me going. While one told me to be careful what I wished for (for it will come true), another reminded me that ‘there is a blessing in every submission’. And someone across the planet told me never to say no (for there is reason why things happen in life) and so many more.
Everything rang a bell, somewhere. It was my need of the hour, then. It always felt like there is someone helping all along – in guise of friends, acquaintances and strangers. Perhaps, these messages kept coming to us all, all along… but so busy that we are with our grind that we fail to take notice.
Life has become as exciting as it has become simpler.
Work is love made visible.
When you work you fulfill a part of earth’s furthest dream,
assigned to you when that dream was born,
And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life,
And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life’s inmost secret.
Khalil Gibran
I did quit my regular job but ended up working a more – on things beautiful, creative and unique. From web design projects, farming, commissioned artwork, design prototyping, photo shoots to teaching, there have been enough things on hand all the time to keep us busy and blessed.
Yes, I love every bit of it. Mind remains well-exercised. Flexibility is a bonus. And always having time for my kid is the unbeatable killer combo.
Never-say-no attitude lands me into a realm far more interesting and complex than before. Some good books, good people, good incidents and good accidents have made my work life meaningful and gave me the focus I had always desired.
I also hope to keep my hand on the pulse of my core subject and my first love – hospitals & healthcare. This coming year, I look forward to realising my long simmering dream of creating a healthcare blog that focuses on healthcare issues in India. Yes, there are plenty on the web but that’s where my heart is. Working in healthcare industry for more than a decade (and living in it since birth) makes it logical for me to follow a bit more of my heart. Anyone out there reading this and feels interested to join hands for this – are most welcome.
The Art of Heart
This year has also been special as I participated in a group exhibition with few of my creations. This was my first foray into the organised art world. After eons of painting and drawing, I have decided to go exhibit some. Though it was a small event, it meant a lot to me. I hope to keep painting as long as I can. And hope to exhibit more from now on.
I have not been able to write very often as I am mostly busy painting these days – and hope to exhibit solo this year. To arrive at a single theme is daunting as everything and anything seems to inspired and work. So I have thrown caution to wind and am doing what I like to do.
For all you there, send me your positive vibrations to make this all happen. Like someone said, be careful what you wish for 🙂
Wandering Mist Blog
This blog is a journey, which will go on till the end. I will keep writing, experimenting, innovating, as much as I can – for it is a haven for wanderers and seekers. It is a journey most of us have taken, that makes lovely things like bouquets, brickbats, art, friends, and memories, but what makes it more interesting, is you.
By being here, by reading, by agreeing & disagreeing, by coloring it with your thoughts, you make this bonhomie a lot more endearing, beautiful and worthy of keeping it going. You make it special for me.
Mystic, Iniyaal, JAM, and many more lovely souls (I shall be writing to you more often) – Thank you for wandering with me. There a lot more unexplored paths waiting for us
New Year’s Eve – Where’s the Party Tonight?
And as far as New Year Eve’s plans go, I hope to cook a special dinner for family and friends, indulge them all with Tiramisu (will soon share this recipe that does not use alcohol), share few gifts with my loved ones, switch off the phones and dream-sleep into the new year.
New Year Resolutions
I am not into New Year resolutions but certainly believe in walking steadily towards ones dreams. And I also believe that things happen to you when you are ready to take them in. It is best to prepare ourselves for all the big things that are to happen. So why fret and fry? Be the best, do your best, and leave the rest – to whatever you believe in.
Keep visiting WanderingMist. Wish you a very happy, vibrant and happening New Year.
Ishrath Humairah
UPDATE – 16th March 2011: As shared with you in this post, I have launched the healthcare website HealthOpine today and am happy to share this with you all. Thank you for all your wishes and kind comments that keep the efforts seem effortless. Please have a look at the Beta version and let me know your feedback.
Dear Ishrath, thank you for your inspiring words!
Happy New Year to you and stay happy!!! Keep your wonderful optimism!!
Happy New Year to you. I am so very glad to read of all the good things life brought to you in 2010. Wandering Mist is one of the best discoveries I made since stepping into the blog world. I am looking forward to see more and more of your beautiful creations …
Often the soul forgets purpose,
Until a wandering leaf reminds us,
To find, to hope, to live.
Even through its random wandering,
It gives direction to the clouds, the mists, the river, and rain.
I stay atop the breathless mountain,
No oxygen in my lungs, but the memory of your name.
This is the energy that creates us,
the Purpose is found- in ‘leafy vein’.
only through each other can we find life-
– again & again & again.
i dedicate this poem to you Ishraat and your beloved family.
May you always create, and may all your dreams take flight this year…
Thank you, Bengt. Tiramisu was one thing we had in common this new year, apart from the lovely wishes that spring from bottom of our hearts. Thank you for coming into our lives. Hope we get to spend some time together soon, when you come to India again.
Dear Ishrat, I look forward to following your blog into 2011.
It’s very interesting reading about what you are up to and I’m very happy
knowing you are dedicating your time making strong and beautiful works of art. Funny you also had tiramisu. Me and my father cheated and bought it, but it was still very tasty and enjoyed it with a cup of Ethiopian Yirga coffee.
Delicious. Take care and my best wishes for 2011 for you, Prak, little Tinny and your mom. Thanks for the lovely photos.
Dear Ishrath,
That ‘s quite an exciting journey you have had in 2010. wish you a New Year filled with many more new beginnings,more happiness, joy and peace.I love your paintings, recipes, your wonderful pictures and for everything you offer here for your readers and Thank you very much for the mention,it’s always been a pleasure to come here.Will be wandering around here… Happy New Year.