Yellow Summer Burst
Yellow summer.
Much more than yellow.
Not red. Yet.
This painting is madness of sorts and a riot of colors. I love to call it crazy. For it was craziness that made its way through on the canvas.
There are intense yellows, ochres, indian reds, olive greens, indigos and many blues. A mad medley of bright colors and their hues. Its thick paint on every inch of the canvas and thats the way I like. No modelling paste or gesso. Pure paint.
The real colors, texture, and depth are not shown well in this photo but I enjoy it every time I glance on it. I wonder what was I trying to do then. Was I really painting? Or dealing with a problem of plenty?
Will I be able to recreate another one like this? May be not. It is one time madness that can only get from bad to worse. Or maybe another painting is in making somewhere within. Only time will tell. Me. And you.
Acrylic Media on Stretched Canvas
12 x 36 inches
Framed in Black
I have added this photo of the detail below to show (or rather to see) what these thick swishes of paint do.

Impasto Details on Acrylic Abstract Painting
What should I call this painting?
What would be a good name for it?
Molten Earth, Gold Dust, Yellow Reverie… juat a few suggestions… But of course, you the creator of this beautiful piece would know what’s best in your heart. Yellow Summer is a beautiful name, and apt.
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
Another feeling that comes to mind is…’ Ecstasy Moments’.
Hmmm… summer is fine.
Ecstatic Summer.
Summer Ecstacy.
Perhaps 🙂
This looks to me like a reflection of summer / fall colours in water. It seems to be a solemn yet cheerful creation…
So, it remains summer – going by your comments 🙂
‘The Rising of Summer’.
beautiful paintings ishrath. there are many others waiting to jump out i’m sure : ) names for paintings usually come to me when i’m painting them or soon after. and sometimes i change them later 😛 quite often my husband helps me out with choosing one of the options i present him with. think back to when you were painting and you’ll find that you have several options too.
Thanks Ujwala… naming is very difficult for me though it can be easiest thing to do.
My latest painting was so much like a long story… the plot kept changing with every wash… that I dont know what to call it. I will ask you when I post about it 🙂