The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield is a novel about ancient manuscripts unearthed in Peruvian rainforests. They contain messages and secrets of mankind, their evolution and their spiritual advancement. The nine insights, suppressed by government and church, continue to intrigue all those who have many questions in their life, but no answers.
The Celestine Prophecy is a work of fiction by James Redfield and is one of the best selling books. The reason why it continues to attract so many people and attention is because it deals with topics such as evolution of mankind, spirituality, modern world issues, and most importantly, ancient manuscripts with answers to the question which we all seek.

The Celestine Prophesy by James Redfield
The Celestine Prophecy contains messages and secrets that are changing our world and the way we think. Based on ancient wisdom and drawing it inspiration from it, the book urges you to make connections among the events happening in your own life right now. The book says that whatever is happening in your life is not a mere coincidence but a message or indication from a different energy level. And it also lets you see what is going to happen to you in the years to come.
The Celestine Prophecy predicts a massive evolution and transformation in our society and it is predicted to take place sometime in the last decades of the 20th century.
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield is an enlightening piece for literary work. It is about an ancient manuscript that is discovered in the rain forests of Peru. This ancient manuscript fascinates all those who read. It helps them make a cross over from this world to a mentally enhanced and spiritually aware state. However, this kind of cognizance is not well received by the Church and the Government who seek to suppress it as they believe that the nine insights are misguiding the people and they would move away from the teachings of the religions. However, there are a few people who secretly support the manuscripts and help them reach the mankind, much to the chagrin of the authorities.
The Celestine Prophecy revolves around the central character whose life seems to be going nowhere. An old friend calls him out of the blue and tells him about the secret manuscript and his interest in them is kindled. He embarks his journey to learn more about the manuscripts and the ancient wisdom, hoping that it can tell him the meaning of life. Interlaced with drama and dramatic twists, step-by-step he gets the nine insights and the clarity required in his life. As the novel progresses, he experiences new wisdom, a new lightness, enhanced spiritual awareness, and a lot more.
The nine insights he comes to know and experience are:
The First Insight of The Celestine Prophecy
Co-incidences happen by a larger purpose in life. You have the option of acknowledging them and acting accordingly or ignoring them. One should be aware of the little happenings in life that happen. And they happen for a purpose; as a guiding signpost for events in life to come. One has to be aware of the “coincidences” in one’s life. There is a new kind of spiritual awakening happening all around. It is a collective experience of mankind and a journey ahead where we are led forward by mysterious coincidences.
The Second Insight of The Celestine Prophecy
We should be aware that the man has evolved continually and will continue to do so. Change sweeps across mankind. We have graduated from collectively to more mature and spiritually aware states. We are in a technological revolution where we have been seeking material security and comforts. This state is evolving as we are continually asking questions to ourselves if it is correct or not. We are asking questions about the purpose in life. With these mass thinking and continues questioning and searching, will continue to evolve towards a better spiritual state. We all will experience a heightened understanding of world history and human evolution. While this technological preoccupation was an important step in our evolution and has brought in a lot of benefits, our awakening to life’s coincidences is opening us up to the real purpose of human life on this planet, and the real nature of our universe. We should keep ourselves open and should be ready to receive.
The Third Insight of The Celestine Prophecy
We should be aware that all living things have energy fields. Be it yourself, the plants around you, animals, or any living being. It has energy and you can train yourself to see it. We can focus our energies on the things we want to and vice-versa. With every attempt to focus our energy into a particular direction or being, we not only create an environment conducive for such an act but also influence other energy systems to make it happen. We should be aware that we do are not living in a material world and materialistic universe, but in a universe of dynamic and sacred energy.
The Fourth Insight of The Celestine Prophecy
Human beings and all living things are energy. What you express to others and what you receive from others is energy. Little do we know that we are such a great source of energy for our Mother Earth. We are failing to recognize our potency in channelizing our energies or receiving them from other sources. We should be aware that we live on others energies as much as we give them. We all are so cut off from our own energies and end up feeling low and depressed. Sometimes we try to gain energy aggressively and this upsets others energy balance. When we dominate others by way of talking or actions, we are in fact seeping their energies and creating an imbalance. We are competing for more energy for ourselves at the expense of others and are therefore creating conflicts.
The Fifth Insight of The Celestine Prophecy
We should realize that our behavior is because of the control we try to assert on others. We should realize that the real cause of tension, restlessness, anxiety, troubles and mental conflicts are because of the mental dramas we unleash on others or receive from them. We should realize that these negative energies and control dramas do not help you or others. When we are connected with our inner selves, our insecurities, feelings of violence, stress, and all the negative emotions are wiped out. A sense of well being, lightness, and brightness is felt, which is best described as love, pure love.
The Sixth Insight of The Celestine Prophecy
We should be aware that we all have a purpose in life. We all have a dream and a destiny to fulfill. Nobody’s life is without a purpose. And life is all about finding it and fulfilling it. We all have a spiritual mission and we all are seeking. We have to stay connected at all times, to be in tune with inner self. We should clear our past and be connected with ourselves. We should be aware that when we are under stress, we tend to lose connection with our inner selves, and this makes our energy sap. We become vulnerable to others control dramas or our energy is taken away by others.
The Seventh Insight of The Celestine Prophecy
We should be aware that many of our thoughts and actions are guided. We get messages, coincidences, indications and more that we should heed to for nothing in this life is without a purpose. If we know our mission in our life, we will be guided towards our destiny with dreams, thoughts, messages, intuitions and more. All these lead to a situation where your intuitions are synchronized with others and wisdom follows. Your heart and mind will know it, if you are open to receiving such messages.
The Eigth Insight of The Celestine Prophecy
We should be aware that answers to our questions come in most myriad of forms. We must be aware that a certain person whom you encounter in your life holds that answer for you and you have met that person because you seek and answer. You should be aware that other people sometimes provide the answers that you seek. Therefore you should be open to people who in turn can help more. You can increase such encounters in your life and thereby enriching it with wealth of guidance and knowledge. We should be careful of not loosing our connection with our inner selves in times of serious involvement with any issue or person. Children should be treated as individuals and should be respected for who they are. True knowledge should be imparted to children and they should be spoken in the way they understand best.
The Ninth Insight of The Celestine Prophecy
We are moving towards a spiritually advanced state. This is happening all over. We should understand that humankind is on a journey towards living in perfect harmony with each other and nature and our world will eventually evolve into an Eden-like paradise. The technological evolution and growth would have propelled man to a self-sufficient state where there are no worries of livelihood and security. This kind of technology advancement will move mankind to higher energy states and more spiritually focused beings. This will lead to a state where the cycle of birth and death will be ended and the bodies will unite with the spiritual dimension.
The story revolves around the above messages or insights and how the central character discovers them step-by-step. The characters in the book are very sketchy and loosely connected. It is quite evident that the author is not a master story-teller but is sincere in his effort in bringing out the nature of co-incidences in the book.
The most endearing messages are about saving our forests and mother earth. The fact that our vibrations and energies are heightened in the virgin forest settings is absolutely true. I have experienced it myself. There is no need for anyone to talk or communicate for most of vibrate on the same level and have close to the same feeling.
The book has upset a lot of people and communities, but also continues to inspired many. Spirituality is, not doubt, the next boom for mankind. And this book may have flustered some dormant minds. There are more books by James Redfield on the same subject. The other books are regarded as a continuation to these insights.
The most fascinating part of the book I found was related to the Mayans disappearance from Earth. I did not expect such a wonderful mass exodus. I do not acknowledge or support it for there is not evidence or indication of such a thing happening but I enjoyed reading and visualizing it. Moreover, this now a revised interest in the Mayan Civilisation and Mayan Calendars are they foretold the events centering around year 2012, where according to the Mayan predictions, all the planets will align on a single plane… the consequences of which cannot be estimated at the moment.
The Celestine Prophecy is also made into a movie, release around May 2006. I would love to watch the movie and to see the book come alive. More than anything, I would be looking forward to the visuals of the greenery, forests, the research labs, Machu picchu, Celestine ruins, and other beautiful places mentioned in the book. I am hopeful that the visuals would be good. It would be an exhilarating experience to watch those scenes.
We must not forget that The Celestine Prophecy is a novel. It is a work of fiction. Instead of going berserk over this piece of work, we should be thankful to the author, James Redfield, for putting this wonderful piece of deep fiction together
What we can really appreciate is the fact that this book is very uplifting, inspiring and motivating. It inspireds us and affects our daily life. It opens new waves of thought process and makes us a little more aware of what we are doing and whom we meet.
The Celestine Prophecy sells. Like it or not, believe it or not, love it or hate it, it is an all time best seller. People are reading it, and people are buying it. You can only read it to find out why. And I dont mind reading it once again 🙂
As a mystic of the catholic church, and a psychology major at university, i must say what a splendid work of mythopoetic literature, where you have the events of god’s actions (synchronistic stuff) and graces in the bodies (energy) and lives of his children that really happen in everyday life, here presented. But contrary to the author’s opinion the church not only does not suppress the stuff he’s talking about but thrives on it for 2000 years now, ever since its beginning with the manifestation of the “energy” on that pentacost day as “tongues of fire” recorded in acts written by st luke. Its an amazing fact that this secular world author openly acknowledges these events of the practicing catholic’s life as he lives devotedly within the embrace of the church. It must be stated though that there are many trials, over long years one has to endure as well as the glorious aspects the author is over concentrated on. And it should be told too that you don’t need any of this glorious stuff -invisibility – big energy manifestations etc. Which are recorded in the lives of the saints, in order to be perfectly in union with god the source of the energy.
You have spell errors….loosing is losing.
Spirituality is not doubt ‘no doubt’
And another I can’t be bothered to find but all in all, thought provoking.
Thanks for making the honest attempt to explain this. I believe very robust approximately it and want to learn more. If it’s OK, as you reach extra intensive knowledge, may you thoughts adding extra posts similar to this one with more information? It might be extraordinarily helpful and helpful for me and my colleagues.
AWESOME review!!
doing a speech tomorro for class on this subject.
i’m persuading my class to review the 9 insights and apply them to their lives.
I’m really glad someone took the time and energy to put this review together.
I hope it has helped shape your life for the best.
MUCH LOVE. Peace. One
Nuk Pu Nuk
Dylan: Im happy this could help you in some way. Yes, it is indeed a good book that can be called light reading heavy stuff. Good luck with your speech.
hey your blog design is very nice, neat and fresh and with updated content, make people feel peace and I always like browsing your site.
– Murk
True spirituality must be grounded in some kind of truth and faith.
This is my first word 🙂
Hi, one of my favourites too. Did you find this online or did you actually type it by hand? cheers!
Hi Pratibha… I loved the book the moment I read it. Wrote this post a long time back. I use to write book reviews under a pseudo-name on book sites.. till I got a web-log of my own. Im glad to know that you love this book too. I can re-read it any day.
i really like your post, outlining the details of the celestine prophecy. i hope you enjoy the movie.
i read his books too and find his writing inspiring. Its true that it is fiction but great fiction it is. I did not see the movie either. cheers.