Have you ever considered a painting as a backdrop for showcasing gemstones? Can paintings play a role in window dressing for jewelry display? I tried.

Lapiz Lazuli on Gemstone Inspired Abstract Art
Here is one of my little squares that has a geologic abstract art inspiredd by Lapiz Lazuli gemstone. The stone by itself is spectacular in detail and needs no fuss around it to stand out. Gorgeous blue with gold streaks, as designed by nature, never cease to amaze.
This is but another attempt to try tone over tone. Surprise! Surprise! It works. The broad palette knife strokes complement the intense detailing on the gemstone.
Here, one art form (of designing jewellery) complements the other. This painting (along with other gemstone inspiredd artworks) is currently being used as a backdrop for jewelry display in a lifestyle boutique in Chennai.
Rather than produce the same old content you have taken this subject to a whole new level . Kudos for not following the standard writing crowd.
Is it okay to reference some of this on my website if I include a link back to this page?
I have this stone, gifted to me by my grandmother…I love it. The natural gold streaks are pure magic…how many ways shall nature inspired us…?
True. Lapiz is true magic.. Love those blues.
I have been wanting to buy Lapiz since long time but I guess its best not to for there is no fun in depleting earth’s natural resources for the sake of adornment. Like blood diamonds, there are many horrible facts of gemstone mining. I hope to write about it someday….
Oh Lapiz! will I ever own one? Maybe not. Sigh!
wow..the stone looks gorgeous..the gold tint -is it natural or your touch?….
Just: The stone is a real beauty. They say it is sourced from Afghanistan. Deep blue with golden details on it. Each piece is quite a sight.
Nope, I did not work on the stone… nature did 🙂 I merely made the backdrop for it. Im glad you liked it.
Was this something you did for Silvia? I still think about you and I going to her shop for the first time in the ric….. a great day for me.
Mike: Bulls Eye!! Yes I did it for her. Her jewelry is becoming famous. We often remember about you. Will you ever come to India, Mike?
😛 accidents are worth …..
Eva: Accidents are that ‘power of beyond’ at work. They happen for a reason.