The Memory of Trees

Wandering Mist

The Memory of Trees is a curated experience of Paintings, Sculpture, Poems, Photographs and Music showcasing the work of artists who paint, sculpt, capture and eulogize trees that have mysteriously rooted them from within… in their dreams, vision, fantasy, love, beliefs and from dimensions beyond.

A multi-sensorial artistic experience, curated by Ishrath Humairah, showcasing artists who paint, sculpt, capture or compose their dreams and visions of the Presence that has mysteriously rooted them from beyond.

Selected artists can display 5 chosen artworks.

Submission Categories: Paintings, Sculpture, Poems, Photographs and Music

Event Details: 

  • Date: 24th August to 3rd September 2018
  • Venue: Art Houz, Coimbatore, India
  • Email:
  • Call: +91 99406 47854

Art at the Gallery will be holding a multiple artist exhibition in Art Houz Gallery in Date titled “The Memory of Trees”

You are invited to submit work to the Gallery to be displayed in this Exhibition  by emailing or posting the attached form to Art at the Point, 18 Main Road, Dennes Point or

Gallery Timings: 10:30am to 8:00pm

Participation Fees: Rs. 5000/- as a one-time participation fees. Any artworks sold would be between the artist and the buyer. The curator or the host will not take any fees for their purchase engagement.

 Artists may exhibit up to 5 works of reasonable size.  Anything requiring more than two panels ( one panel is 2400×3000 ) or a square metre of floor space will be included by negotiation.

Expressions of interest can be registered to this email anytime from now until September 30th 2014.

Entry forms must be received with complete descriptions of size, medium and presentation (eg. 2D or 3D) by DATE.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

 Contact: For any further information on participation or the exhibition, please reach out to the curator here